Książka “Uwolnić Maćka” wersja anglojęzyczna [FREE MACIEK]



SKU: 5908253653316 Kategorie: , , ,

“The story oh how the system stole 40 months of my life….”

40 months – that is how long Maciek Dobrowolski was behind bars. Without a sentence, charged only on basis of a crown witness’s testimony. This book is a story of a man whom life put in an extreme situation with which he decided to cope with dignity. It’s also a story about friendship and the fact that there’s always someone in the world on which you can count. Maciek could count on his friends. This was how the all-Polish campaign #UwolnicMacka started. Tens of thousands of people spoke with a common voice to manifest their objection to obvious injustice. In this book you will get behind the scenes of that initiative.

Dane produktu ID: 12350
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"The story oh how the system stole 40 months of my life...."

40 months – that is how long Maciek Dobrowolski was behind bars. Without a sentence, charged only on basis of a crown witness’s testimony. This book is a story of a man whom life put in an extreme situation with which he decided to cope with dignity. It’s also a story about friendship and the fact that there’s always someone in the world on which you can count. Maciek could count on his friends. This was how the all-Polish campaign #UwolnicMacka started. Tens of thousands of people spoke with a common voice to manifest their objection to obvious injustice. In this book you will get behind the scenes of that initiative.

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